Thursday, 6 November 2008

Rules & Regulations :
#01; - Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
#02; - People who get tagged need to write a post of their own 10 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
#03; - At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
#04; - No tags back!

1. I've tried tasting my ear wax and it's yucky.
2. I'm the tallest in my family. I think.
3. I used to bite my toe nails.
4. I used to eat ants. yea, weird.
5. I like mentos green apple.
6. I like procrastinating.
7. I had a bantal busuk until my mum threw it away this year. haha.
8. I hate homework.
9. I don't like hari raya as much as you do.
10. I touch myself everyday. Don't think sick ah u horny ppl.

the chosen ones... lol.

1. Afiqah
2. Atiqah
3. Daniyal
4. Edlyn
5. Halidah
6. Hisyam
7. Karthik
8. Syafiq
9. Yuhan
10. Zulfiqar

okkk... having not been in malay dance for almost a year has made me dry of malay dance steps.
also, it probably has made me have 2 left feet. lol. now i know how it feels to choreograph a dance rountine for a bunch of ppl. i've been watching malay dance videos on youtube to get inspiration. haha. darn lah. so tough...

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