Paramore was awesome! Though I think I could've died or broken a bone, all in all, I enjoyed the whole experience. Yesterday, it was the first time I ate McDonald's outdoors alone. How sad huh? Haha. And I can safely say Paramore's concert was way better than Red Jumpsuit Apparatus'. It topped RJA's by a mile. Really.
The concert was opened by a local band, Monaco or something. The lead vocalist was hilarious. I couldn't understand a thing she was singing. The base was pretty loud. I could feel every base note in my chest. I guess they were okay but the crowd was pretty dead when they were performing. One bugger was showing 2 middle fingers the whole time the band was playing. I hope they didn't see that. Lol.
Paramore opened with Ignorance. The moment they came out was the signal for people to start nudging and pushing around. Apparently, noobs like myself were caught off guard. Firstly, we swayed to the left. Then to the right. It felt like i was in the sea except that there was no water and that I didn't have to swim. All of a sudden, the domino effect happened. It was super scary! I was shouting, "WTH WTF!" Haha. Then right, I couldn't move my left leg cos' gravity was a bitch. I was frantically trying to get up man. I was worried I was gonna go home with a broken leg.
And I think I accidentally molested someone. Maybe? Haha. I think fell on top of a girl and as I was trying to get up... Yea. You get the picture.. There were a lot of girls screaming. Many guys were calling out for everyone to get up. I joined them too lor. Thankfully, I could stand on 2 feet after that ordeal. By then, I was already sweating like hell and to think it was only the beginning. LOL. Even Atiqah was wiping sweat of her face.
Many other things happened lah. But I guess that was the highlight for me. Haha. Hmm, Paramore played about 12 songs. I bet I was singing out of tune for every song cos' I really couldn't hear a thing that came out of my mouth. Lawl. They didn't play Turn It Off. =(
Nevermind. I hope they come back. Please do please do. Oh yes. Can't thanked Atiqah enough for being my concert buddy though it was her first concert. Haha.
Oh oh! I didn't take many photos. Anyway, even if I did, they wouldn't look good. So I took videos instead. But the audio's pretty shitty. I'll see if I wanna post them up.
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