Wednesday, 5 January 2011


While many were dragging their still-in-holiday-mood bodies to school early in the morning, I took my time before going over to Imran's house for a day of video games. I had fun. It's nice to know we don't have to worry about homework, what books to bring and waking up early!

Oh! Guess what. My Internet's back! Despite my ecstatic state upon realizing my Internet connection was back from the dead, I quickly found out that I don't do much surfing. Which then, results in me getting utterly bored. Okay. Exaggeration much? Hmm.. Usually, it's just Facebook, blogging, a bit of Youtube and that's it.

So.. in turn, my boredom led to me creating a Formspring account! You're able to ask me anything on my profile and I'll try my best to answer appropriately. So far.. No one has asked me anything!

Haha. A day in life.

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