Monday, 28 April 2008

HTML paper MYE

after school, HAD TO take the HML paper. i'm not expecting to get high marks for it lah but maybe... just maybe, i can make up for it by doing really well for the second paper this wednesday. today was ok. Soccer during P.E was interestingly fun. I scored MAN! finally, i wasn't the goalkeeper for most of the game. harsha is QUITE good at goalkeeping but I'm better. haha. i could have scored like 2 more goals but too bad i didn't. lol. then, during CME, slacked but had to listen to the groups' presentation. Eng: wow. Mrs. Wong was mad at us for not taking the lesson seriously. she was teaching us IPA. so she gave as a worksheet where we had to feel in some letters to complete a sentence. so we made fun of the sentence by saying them out without the missing letters. it was funny until it lasted. i need expect her to cross at us lah. sry mrs. wong. we should have known better. out of anger, she told us to return the worksheets she gave us. erm, chem: slacked. after chem, ms kang came in and gave us back our math test papers. i got 24/24. woohoo. below that she wrote Superb. haha. gunjal got beautiful. haha. he got full marks too. so, yea. 2morrow's geog paper. i need to revise and on top of that, i have to complete a CME assignment. shit. and look at me, blogging and wasting away my time. LOL. ok less talk more work!

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